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Join Europe's trusted B2B Marketplace

Sell to business customers
B2B buyers want a B2C-like shopping experience with functionality for large catalogues and price breaks. Leave these complexities to us and sell on a user-friendly marketplace that’s trusted by ERP systems.

The Mercateo Advantage

Sell to large companies

Reach business customers on SAP Ariba, Opus Capital, Jaggaer.

No fees

Dont't pay on-boarding, hosting or transaction fees.

Human support

Get end-to-end support from a dedicated supplier manager.

Smart Benefits for Scalable Online Success

Payment security

We assure our suppliers that invoices are paid within 45 days.

Fair platform

Our platform doesn’t undercut suppliers, it upholds neutrality.

Market insights

You receive quarterly reports on opportunities for growth.

Optimised search

We provide product data enrichment and keywords to help discoverability.

How does it work?

1. Create an account

Leave your contact details and a dedicated supplier manager will help you create an account.

2. Upload catalogue

You’ll have the option to send us a catalogue in your format (csv or XML) or download our template.

3. Start selling

Access thousands of B2B customers buying ad-hoc and specialist, hard to find, products online.

Leave your contact details to start selling

A dedicated supplier manager will help you create an account