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Placing an order

1. Log-in – To place an order, please log on to ‘My Mercateo’. Further information on creating an account and logging in can be found under ‘My Mercateo’ at the top of this page.

2. Select items – Search for the items you wish to order. Further information on searching for items and filtering the search results can be found under ‘search’ at the top of this page. To add a chosen item to your basket, click on ‘add to basket’. Items in your shopping basket are not reserved for you! More information can be found under ‘Are the items in my basket reserved for me?’ which is listed under ‘Frequently asked questions’.

3. Complete order – Click on the basket icon to see the content of your order and click ‘complete order’. On the next page you can preview your billing/shipping address and your preferred method of payment. You can also add a voucher, your PO number and cost center. Check all your information is correct and click ‘send order’.

4. Order confirmation – After submitting the order, you will receive the confirmation of your order to the email address provided. In your order archive of ‘My Mercateo’ you can see the details of your order. Do you see any mistakes? If so, please contact our customer service as soon as possible!

5. Delivery notification – Once your order has left the warehouse, you will receive a delivery confirmation. More information on the delivery process can be found under ‘Shipping & Delivery’.

Have you ordered the wrong product? As long as your order has not been processed, you can usually cancel it. Please contact our customer service as soon as possible.

Note – In rare cases it is not possible to cancel an order. This is also mentioned on the product detail page of the item.

Shopping lists are useful for items that you buy regularly. You do not have to search for the items again but you can easily purchase them from your shopping list. To create a shopping list go right to “My Mercateo” and “Shopping lists”.

If your company uses a procurement hierarchy, you can also make the shopping list available to other users by clicking ‘purchase list released’.

Your invoices from Mercateo can be adjusted for your financial records by adding cost centers and types for the items of your order. Just log on to ‘My Mercateo’ and to ‘cost centers/types’. Add your cost centres or cost types manually or by uploading an .xls or .txt file and click ‘Save’. You can apply it to any items on the check-out page of your order.

Select ‘cost centers mandatory’ and/or ‘cost types mandatory’. These fields will then be made mandatory for each order. You can also define a default cost center if needed.

You can add your own purchase order number as reference. To do this, just go to ‘optional information’ on the preview page of your order and click ‘submit order’. The number you entered can be found on the invoice and in your order archive.